Last updated on May 15, 2024
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System Requirements and Setup

Microsoft Windows

Minimum system requirements

Recommended system configuration

Apple macOS

Minimum system configuration

Recommended system configuration

Compatible Host Applications

Languages available

Number of workstations

Installing different major versions

The following rules apply to the DxO version of Nik Collection. They may work with the pre-DxO versions (legacy and Google), but this is not officially supported by DxO Labs.


Left: Mac, right: PC
Default installation location (Mac)
Default installation location (PC)

Make sure to quit out of any host image editing application such as Photoshop or Lightroom. Locate the downloaded installation file and double-click on it to begin.

  1. In the installation window, click on Nik Collection.
  2. Select the installation language (the system language is selected by default).
  3. A dialog box informs you that Nik Collection 7 will be installed in addition to any other major version already on your computer. Then, hit Install.
  4. A new dialog box asks you to accept the license agreement. Check the box and click on Accept (if you do not accept, the installation process will be cancelled).
  5. The installer will suggest a default location (Program Files folder on PC, Applications folder on Mac) and indicate the space required and the space available. If you wish to install the Nik Collection in another location, click on Browse; a system dialog box will prompt you to create and/or select another volume. Click on Next to confirm.
  6. The next window will show a list of compatible host programs detected on your computer. You can use the “-” button to remove a program from the list. Use the “+” button to add a program that is not automatically detected or that requires a special installation of plugins (see the paragraph on installing in Affinity Photo below). Click on Install to confirm (your system will display a security dialog box asking you to authorize installation).
  7. The installation process will continue, displaying a progress bar.
  8. The final window indicates that installation is complete. Click on Finish to exit the installation program.


The first time you launch the program after installation, you will be prompted to enter your registration key. This window will appear at each launch as long as you have not entered the key. During the trial period (30 days), you will be able to continue using the Nik Collection; after that, you will be blocked at the registration window.

Installing into a host application

The Nik Collection is automatically installed in the following host applications (make sure you have closed them before installation; if you don’t, a dialog box will appear to notify you):


To uninstall the Nik Collection:

Before uninstalling, close the host applications.

Go to the Programs folder (Mac), and then to the Nik Collection folder, where you will find an Uninstall icon. Click on it to start uninstalling. On PC, go to Settings > Applications > Nik Collection > Uninstall.

  1. A dialog box will confirm removal. Click Next.
  2. The Host Applications window shows a summary list and gives you the option of saving your presets by checking the box, even if you uninstall. Then click on Uninstall. Another dialog box displays a progress bar.
  3. A dialog box confirms that the Nik Collection has been uninstalled. Click on Finish to exit.

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